Sunday, September 30, 2012

Breathe Deep and Jump DC, Part I

A really spectacular fundraiser for lung cancer took place yesterday: Breathe Deep and Jump DC.

Here's the information on it:

Join LUNGevity as we partner with Over the Edge for a thrilling new way to raise funds for critical lung cancer research! In our inaugural Breathe Deep and Jump event participants will rappel from the Woodward and Lothrop Building in downtown Washington, DC! Rappelling experience is not required. Friends and family are encouraged to come out and cheer on participants as they make the descent for a cure.

Imagine yourself being one of only a select few who will earn the opportunity to go Over the Edge; sponsor opportunities are available as well. The amazing views from the top and the exhilarating experience of going Over the Edge can only be matched by the important role you’ll play in helping raise funds for LUNGevity Foundation.

It was fun to watch the people go down the side.

Breathe Deep and Jump DC, Part II

A few more pictures of people rappelling down the side of the building.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

2Political Episode 75

2PP075 - 24 September 2012


2Political Podcast Episode 74 is now available. You can listen to it or download it from the podcast site, You can leave comments there as well as download or listen to any episode (you can access the five most recent episodes from the list on the right side of my blog).

We begin by talking about baseball—yes, really. Jason is excited. That eventually leads to a discussion of the area around Washington, DC's baseball park. It then becomes a discussion of urban development.

When we turn to politics, it starts with Romney's idiotic remarks about the 47% of Americans he's writing off. That leads to a larger discussion of taxes and what people get from government.

We conclude with The Bucket Story. It is an odd story. The odd mind-blanks, unedited, are mostly because of Skype issues (we couldn't hear each other). Our memories are like steel traps…

Please leave a comment (anyone's welcome—agree or disagree!), or you can ring the 2Political Comment line on 206-350-3982.

Links for this episode:
Arthur’s blog, podcasts and videos can be accessed here.

Get 2Poltical Podcast for free on iTunes

Washington Humane Society Adoption Fair

My friend Yolanda is o-coordinator for an annual cat/kitten adoption event which will be held on the last Sunday of every month at Annie’s Hardware, 1240 Upshur St., NW, 12:00p – 3:00p.

I can speak for the wonderful cats they have since I got Charlie and Linus from them. If you have some time on Sunday and are in the area stop by.

To Gettysburg and Antietam

I'm off to Gettysburg and Antietam today. Gettysburg first. A little foggy on the ride up.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Walking 'round Washington on Wednesday

Well it was on Thursday but Wednesday makes such a much better title to the post.

I had the day off. After going to the gym I walked from there to Union Station. Here's a little of what I saw along the way.

Here's a statute to Edmund Burke in Burke Park on Massachusetts Ave.

The Carnegie Library

The Victims of Communism Memorial

Union Station

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Linus and His Chair

Here's Linus and his chair. He really enjoys it as you can tell from the pictures.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dierks Bentley at Nationals' Park

Setting up the stage

Dierks takes the stage.

After the game was the Dierks Bentley concert. It is amazing how quickly they set up the stage after the end of the game. In just about half an hour he was playing. The concert lasted just about an hour. Here are a couple videos from the concert. Unfortunately they are a little shaky. Note to self use both hands while filming.

Dierks Bentley at Nationals, Park, Part II

Dierks Bentley playing at Nationals Park. This song has a special third verse that celebrates Gio Gonzalez's 20th Win.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

At the Nationals Game — Gio Gonzalez's 20th Win

Gio Gonzalez got his 20th win yesterday. The first picture in the major leagues to do so. The Nats pounded the Brewers. Six runs in the 4th inning alone. Two home runs in inning that brought in those runs. Two guys were on base each time.

Then after the game a concert from Dierks Bentley. Also a bright and sunny day. Our seats were in the sun, which was a little hot, so we sought out shade for a couple of innings. In all a fantastic day.

Gio on the mound

Ryan Zimmerman rounding second. This was the first home run of the 4th inning.

Zimmerman heading for home.

There was only one small but amusing problem on Gio's march to win 20. The Post describes it best:
Gonzalez’s day included only one hiccup. With one out in the seventh, he clipped a spike on the rubber as he delivered a pitch. The ball flew out of his hand and bounced off the netting high above the backstop. He fell face-first on the mound.

“A perfect 10,” Desmond said. “I’m just glad he didn’t mess up his hair.”

Gonzalez played dead in front of the mound, his face in the grass. As he rose, he stretched his back, causing personnel to rush from the home dugout and 40,493 hearts to drop.

Johnson, McCatty, head trainer Lee Kuntz and the infielders circled Gonzalez. Someone asked if he was hurt. “Absolutely,” Gonzalez replied. “My pride is.”

The huddle dispersed, and Gonzalez tipped to his cap to the roaring crowd. On his next pitch, he struck out Martin Maldonado swinging at a curveball in the dirt.

It was a great day for baseball. The magic number to clinch the division is now 6.

Go Nats!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Going To the Playoffs

The Nationals are heading to the playoffs!

As the Post put it:

The Washington Nationals defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers, 4-1, on Thursday night and secured the first postseason berth for a Washington team since the Senators reached the World Series in 1933, adding another milestone to the Nationals’ magical season.

And today I got tickets to one of the playoff games! I'd like to say exactly when I'll be going to the game but well that's not entirely clear. It most likely will be Oct. 10 or Oct 12.

I go to another game tomorrow. After is the Dierks Bentley concert.

On Wednesday between games I wondered around the stadium some. I got these great pictures from nose bleed territory just as the second game was starting.

Here's an at bat with the Nat's John Lannan pitching to one of Dodgers.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nationals Double Header

I had a great time last afternoon-evening at the Nationals games. It was just about seven hours of baseball. I'm not sure I've ever gone to a double header and this would be the classic twinight double header.

It all worked out because I had an appointment with the gum guy at 2pm yesterday. I was able to go to that appointment (more on that in a later post) and then head down to the game. Before I stopped off at Panera Bread for a sandwich and then picked up a couple of cookies from Fire Hook Bakery.

Then it was off to the game. They won the first game. The second well they should have won. They were flat for most of the game until they came alive in the 8th inning and scored 6 runs. Pretty damn amazing. I was yelling myself hoarse.

Here's what the Post said:

No Washington baseball team has clinched a postseason berth in 79 years, and so one more day, or even few more days, makes for a short wait. But the Washington Nationals did not have to make it so painful on themselves on Wednesday night. They did not have to beat the grimmest of odds only to find the most wrenching way to lose. A blown call did not have to turn from a footnote to a turning point.

The Nationals nearly pulled off their latest, most incredible miracle before they lost, 7-6 in the nightcap of a doubleheader against the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Nationals, playing with half their regulars on the bench, rallied for six runs in the eighth inning to tie the score, only to watch Matt Kemp slam a game-winning home run off Tyler Clippard to lead off the ninth inning.

I was only a little disappointed by the out come. I certainly wanted them to win but the 8th inning was such fun!

Better news tonight the Nationals are officially in the post season.

A few shots from the game last night.

Ian Desmond signing autographs

Screech greeting the crowd