Saturday, September 16, 2006


Tooth brush - check
tooth paste - check
dental floss - check

I'm making up my list. I'll probably check it way more than twice. But I've started to pack. And my friend Arthur in New Zealand has sent some information which arrived today. It only took 4 days to get here.

I've also done some packing. Socks and underware are in the suit case. I still have to get undershirts but off to Target tomorrow to accomplish that.

Now my dilema is what to pack in the carry on. I'd hope to bring a tooth brush and some tooth paste but you can't carry gels on planes any more. I guess I'll just bring the brush. I figure I'll need to do something to my teeth after being on a plane for 20 hours.

Wednesday I'm taking the day off to run around and get all the needed odds and ends for the trip. I'm going to start making a list now and add to it as I think of things.

I also need to e-mail the bridge walk people and the sailing guys to find out how far in advance I need to make a reservation.

In a little more than two and a half weeks the adventure begins.


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