Friday, September 08, 2006

Weapons of Mass Delusion

I was channel surfing last night and came across some politician talking about WMD.

To paraphrase Homer J. Simpson: Stupid Democrats.

All I can say about that issue is the train’s left the station, the boat has sailed, the plane’s taken off, Elvis has left the building. Use what ever cliche you want.

To paraphrase Claude Rains in Casablanca: I’m shocked, shocked to find that intelligence has been manipulated for political ends.

Actually, I’m not. It’s election season and all you have to do is turn on the television and wait for a political add to see the manipulation of the truth or the shading of the truth or distortion of the truth.

I want an investigation into why everyone got it wrong. It’s not like the US was the only country to say Iraq had WMD. Just about everyone out there said Iraq had WMD.

The question that needs to be answered is how did everyone get it WRONG! In this case, the fact everyone did get it wrong didn’t pose a threat to anyone. But let’s suppose everyone gets it wrong again. This time around everyone says the country X doesn’t have any WMD but it turns out that they do. If that’s the case, the world could be screwed.

So the next time someone says it’s a slam dunk, it actually needs to be one. As opposed to turning out to be a blocked shot.

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