Friday, October 06, 2006

Looks like I made it

Another flight and more food. A snack this time. I'm very glad for it because I'm staring not to feel so well. There are some pretzels and that helps settle my stomach. Later for breakfast a cheese omelette with hash browns and fresh fruit.

It's interesting that in Tahiti it's 7:30 am and in Auckland it's 6:30 am. The only thing is that in Auckland it's a day later.

Plane arrived on time. I got through customs in about an hour. The longest part to me was waiting for my luggage.

Art and Nigel were waiting for me and off we went.

Let me take a moment and say


We stopped off at their place. I took a shower e-mailed people I'd made it and talked to my dad.

After that we went to North Head which is an old volcano and looked at another one called Rangitoto. There were some old guns and bunkers that were placed there to protect the harbor because at one point in the late 1800s early 1900s it was thought Russia might invade. It was very pretty with great views of the city. Then we went to an area of the city call Devenport which is an area of shops and restaurants near the harbor. We had a little snack there. I had an “american brownie” which was very good.

We stopped back at the house for a little while and then went off to the mall to take a look around.

We ended up having lunch there. From there we proceeded downtown. We parked where Nigel works and then walked around Queen Street which is a major shopping area.

Nigel sister and niece came over and we chatted awhile and then had dinner. It's now little after 8 and I'm just now beginning to fade some. That's my first day in Auckland. I'll try and post a little something each day.

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