Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Wonderful Wellington

We had a wonderful dinner tonight at Fisherman's Table which overlooked the habor.

We started our world wind tour of Wellington yesterday. We drove around Seatoun which has incredible views of the ocean. At one point it was the Tasman Sea. Then we went to a cut rate souvenir shop and bought lots of fun things. Then we Lambton Quay (which is pronounced key) which is the main shopping district in the city.

From there we went to Te Papa the main museum in Wellington. It has a wide range of exhibits from prehistoric to Mauri to present day New Zealand.

Today Nigel took the day off but Art and I hit the streets hard. We went to the Houses of Parliament, Wellington Cathederal, National Library, Old St. Paul's, Archives New Zealand which has the Treaty of Waitangi, rode up the cable car to see the Cable Car Museum, walked around the Botanical Gardens and then saw the Museum of Wellington City and Sea.

Art and I are tired tonight. Dinner revived us some but I think we'll both be happy to get to bed tonight.

Tomorrow we're going to Rotorua.

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