I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project, Murdoch said. We are sorry for any pain this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown-Simpson.
What they’re sorry about is the money they won’t be making. They thought they could pull a fast one and it didn’t work. Hurray for the American public. The best editorial response comes from the New York Daily News:
What kind of utterly soulless corporate culture thinks up something like this in the first place? What kind of creepy mold grows in the petri dish that is Fox that someone could even imagine for a minute it was a good idea to pay O.J. Simpson several million dollars to discuss how he might have sliced his wife’s head off? How many levels of bonehead management had to sign off on a project that so grotesquely affronted the simple human decencies?
Here’s a link to Howard Kurtz’s story in the Washington Post
You could tell the writing was on the wall when Fox affiliates started abandoning ship.
.......oh yeah.....unfuckinbelievable......anything for money......hey, look at me......whatabunchacrap.
ReplyDeleteThe phrase "utterly soulless corporate culture" pretty much sums it up. Modern corporations don't care about anything except profits for shareholders. The old-fashioned word for that is "greed", and Rupert Murdoch has long been its poster boy. So you're absolutely right: The only thing they're sorry about is that they won't be making so much money.