Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

It’s finally here. After today no more ads (for two years). No more calls. No more brochures stuffed through the mail slot. No more people at subway stops.

It looks pretty bad for the Democrats to take the Senate. And I’m not too hopeful about the House either. Fear, fear and more fear. That’s what the Republicans run on. After all its worked in the last two elections why shouldn’t it work in a third.

I’m tired of the Republicans doing this. I tired of them equating anyone who dares oppose Bush as being a traitor and for the terrorists. The notion that people have different opinions on Iraq only works when your poll numbers are crap. The great divider is what Bush should be know as.

But then again the Democrats have been so inept as an opposition party maybe they don’t deserve to win.

Both parties are just pathetic.

I’m trying to remain optimistic but it is very hard.

Please get out and vote.

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