Sunday, January 28, 2007

A long walk

As part of my attempt to loose some weight, I'm taking walks most days. Sundays I take one in the afternoon and so it's longer than the morning ones.

What I've done is look at the real estate section of the paper and see where the open houses are in the Brookland. Today there were a large number. I eneded up going to about 9 of them. My walk lasted about 2 and a half hours. I'd reset my pedometer and realized about half way through the walk I'd done it incorrectly mostly because the directions leave out a step you need to do to determine what your stride is. I figure I walked around 5 or 6 miles today.

I enjoy going to the houses. It makes me so glad I bought when I did because now I couldn't afford to live here. I ran into my real estate agent, Ed Wood, at one of the open houses. He was actually the agent showing the house. It was really nice and worth the asking price. At least half of the house I saw today were way over priced. Serveral had converted the attic on the third floor into a room. I could not figure out how you'd be able to get any funiture up into the room. A couple of the places were just dumps and way over priced.

I took along my iPod so I had music to listen to and had a very enjoyable afternoon. I came home and watch some of the hockey game on NBC in HD. Wow it is amazing but I think I've said that before.

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