Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Problem with Iran

It seems the Bush administration is having a hard time selling the idea that Iran is supplying weapons to Iraqis (see story in the Post.) And just as much trouble convincing people that this is not a run up to an invasion of Iran. They seem to be very exasperated at all this. I think this sums up the situation very well:

“In the old days, if the U.S. government had come out and said, ‘We’ve got this, here’s our assessment,’ reasonable people would have taken it at face value,” the official said of the Baghdad briefing. “That’s never going to happen again.”

The Bush administration has only itself to blame for this. It also seems that the very background briefing in Baghdad over stated some of the evidence of the involvement of the Iranian government (imagine that). In his news conference Bush continued to push the involvement of the Iranian government in supplying the weapons. The evidence seems rather weak.

Is some elements in Iran supporting Iraqi insurgents? Of course they are. You’d be a fool not to think that.

But to use a phrase my grandmother used to use they are adding two and two and getting seven. Last time around everyone swallowed it and took it as gospel. Thankfully, this time around the Bush administration is being challenged on its addition.

1 comment:

  1. Logic tells me that Iran must be supplying the "insurgents". But experience tells me that I can't trust anything the Bush Administration says. As you say, they have only themselves to blame for that.

    But if the neo-cons are as hell bent on attacking Iran as they seem to be, does it really matter if the evidence is fake or not? And will the American people allow the Bushies to try and fool them again?

    BTW, welcome to New Blogger!
