Sunday, March 18, 2007

Morning Walks

I try and take a morning walk at least three times a week. I’m doing it to help me loose weight (which was going pretty well until a couple of weeks ago but that’s another story). It also is a nice way to start the day and I find I have more energy throughout the day as opposed to the days when I don’t do the walk. I don't have a set pattern to my walk. The main thing is that I try to increase the length of the walk each day.

With the change in time last week, I’m doing the walk in the dark now. Before dawn was just starting to break when I was walking. All the birds were out singing. The moon was slowly fading from the light of dawn. It was a really great way to start the day.

So like I said I’m walking around in the dark now. I think I’ve adjusted to the change but it will be nice in a month or so when I’m out walking at dawn instead of before dawn. Also don’t hear as many birds in the morning.

However, I did hear a cardinal the other day. The cardinal must have been very close to me, because when I walked under a bunch of branches to a tree, he stopped signing. Once I passed his spot he started up right again. It was a great way to start the morning.

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