Friday, March 02, 2007

The zoo

I’m writing this as I sit at the Navy Memorial. It’s Friday. It’s a little after one. Winter seems to have receded and Washington is being visited with a bright sunny 60 degree day. It’s a little windy but that’s to remind you it’s spring time.

I’ve taken the day off after last week which was hell at work. So I’m taking this day.

I started the day at the zoo. As my mom would say oooh oooh you went to the zoo.

I saw lions and tigers and bears oh my. Also elephants, eagles, seals, otters, gibbons, sea lions and of course the pandas. Their new habitat has opened and it’s very impressive.

I decided it was such a nice day I would walk from the zoo to my next stop the National Gallery of Art. I’ve got my iPod and I’m listening to the Carpenters. I think it’s going to be a wonderful day.

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