On the same day the Bush administration announced a plan for reducing gas consumption by 20 percent over 10 years. This is in response to the recent Supreme Court decision that EPA does have the power to action to reduce pollution.
Bush signed an executive order directing federal agencies to craft regulations that will “cut gasoline consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.” He ordered the agencies _ the departments of Transportation, Agriculture and Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency _ to have the rules in place by the end of 2008.
Wow a whole 20% in 10 years. Now that might be a little hasty after all. Maybe we should only make it 10% or even that might be too much of a burden. Maybe we should let the “market” solve this problem. What a joke. What a spineless worthless plan.
Let’s review a few facts here. This administration has said over and over again that we are in a global war against terrorism. After 9/11, irregardless of what is now happening in Iraq, I think we can all agree that that is what is happening. The debacle in Iraq is only making the situation worse. How are the terrorists able to operate the way they do? Because countries and individuals are supporting them with money. Where does that money come from? From oil. How is Iran able to fund Hammas, develop a nuclear program, and help insurgents in Iraq? Oil.
You want to really wage a war against terrorism then the first thing on the agenda would be to cut off their source of revenue. And that chief source comes from oil.
So becoming energy independent is not about less pollution or global warming or the environment in general it’s about national security. And reducing our consumption of gas by 20% over 10 years is pathetic. But then again the notion that we are at war is just that a notion.
A good long hard look has to be taken at our addiction to oil especailly foreign oil. Our lives may very well depend on it.
Now, now, you're being way to harsh. Don't you see how generous George, Dick, Condi and all the others are in giving up 20% of their income? As oil industry people they'll probably have to do without a few dozen million dollars each--a sacrifice to be admired and respected! After all, a phony war demands a phony sacrifice and we get to pay for it all!
ReplyDeleteSo I say, thanks, guys! We love how they clearly care so deeply about our futures that they'd reduce their obscenely obscene wealth to merely obscene, and let us pay to clean up all their many messes and take on terrorism for real, not just to get more oil wealth for them.