Sunday, May 13, 2007

Green, Greener, Greenest

No I'm not taking up still lifes. But this is about as ripe I've been able to find bananas lately. In fact I still have two from last week which I'm going to eat this week. I'm hoping by Wednesday these two will be ready to eat. And I usually start checking for bananas at the store on Friday. So I make three trips to the store to look for bananas. What fun!


  1. Place your bananas next to fresh tomatoes. The tomatoes give off lycopene gas, and that ripens bananas.

  2. Ok.

    I'll put them by some tomatoes.

    The thing is how do I know if they've ripened faster or not. I suppose I could have a control banana but that seems like too much of a bother.

  3. I suppose if you just watch the colour of the skin. The flesh ripens along with the skin--jeez that sounds canabalistic....
