Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Surge Deadline?

It seems the Republicans might be considering some sort of deadline to assess if the surge is working or not. (Link to Post story.)

If it wasn't such a serious subject this would be laughable. What I don't understand is all this talk about figuring out if the surge is working. The only way to see if it worked is when the increased level of troops is brought back to the level before the surge. The idea that in five months the Iraqi government is going to get it's act together in that time is ridiculous. Seems to me this is just another stall tactic by the Republicans. I assume come September they will come up with some lame reason to give the surge just a little more time. And in reality if the surge has any hope of working it will take many more months than five to succeed.

It is ironic that also in the Post is a story with the headline In N. Ireland, Old Foes Unite in Government. Another sectarian conflict that didn't take five months to solve but took decades.

This from the article:

The reconciliation, a primary goal of the 1998 Good Friday peace accords, drew leaders from Britain, Ireland and the United States to Belfast on a damp spring day. Quoting poets and scripture, one leader after another spoke of the sadness of so many lives lost and the achievement of burying hatred.

How can anyone in their right mind think the Iraqi government, even with the best of intentions, is going to be able to make progress on such a complicated set of problems in five months? Oh I guess I answered my own question there.

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