Monday, June 04, 2007

Odds and Ends

Very funny link

I got to play around a little with my camcorder today. The sun actually came out. Of course I took pictures of Sam. I'm not ready yet to do a post. I want to play around with it a little more. Take more video see how the other functions of the camera works. Then see how easy it is to transfer the movies to my Mac. I was told you just plug it in and you just transfer the file. I've heard that one before.

It is so small. It is not 5 inches long and not 4 inches high. Because it is so small is the reason I bought a case for the camera.

Sam is still under the weather. He's still having tummy troubles. We will be going back to the vet on Wednesday. I don't think it is all that serious but thought it best for the vet to tell me that. Sam let out a big meow on Saturday morning. I thought he was hurt somehow. All he was interested in was getting me up so he could go outside. Once I stepped out of bed he ran down the stairs wanting to be let out. He seems to be ok but as I said best to be on the safe side.

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