Sunday, June 24, 2007

Odds and Ends

I think I ran the dishwasher more times when Ed and Jennifer were here than I have during the entire year so far. I have nothing against using the dishwasher; it's just easier to wash the dishes as I go along. I might use a total of two plates, a bowl and a spoon and a fork in the course of a day. It makes no sense to save up the dishes and do them in the dishwashers. However, when you have three people in the house you have got to use the dishwasher.

I bought new towels for Ed and Jennifer's visit. I was going to buy the same color and style for both of them but then thought better of it. I bought the same style but not the same color. Once set was blue and the other was red. Well the red towels (bath towel, hand towel and wash cloth) left little red tufts all over the place. On the floor, on the sink, in the tub even on Ed's fact. While the blue set didn't leave anything anywhere. I thought that was a little odd.

Yesterday afternoon my friend Mark and I were out doing some shopping. He has a thermometer in his car. It said 77 and this was around 1 in the afternoon. It was just so wonderful out and so unlike the end of June. Today is a little warmer but not by much. I'm going to go for a walk after dinner. It seems that tomorrow will be the start of our warming trend. Tuesday and Wednesday look like really warm days: upper 90s. But by Thursday it supposed to be in the upper 80s again. It has been a long time (knock on wood) where we've had day after day after day of temperatures in the 90s. I'm hoping this summer with continue that trend.

I'm entering the wonderful world of Skype. I've downloaded the program and have a head set. The idea is that I'll be doing a podcast with Art in the not too distant future. It was pretty amazing that both downloading and setting up Skype and getting the headset/microphone to work was easy. That is something that really doesn't happen all that often. I'm hoping this will carry over to when I want to upload my movies to my computer.

New computer
Speaking of computers. I'm eagerly awaiting the next upgrade to the iMacs. The rumor mill has it that sometime in late July or early August (which probably means early September) new iMacs will appear. I have an eMac that's four plus years old and it is starting to show its age. Also with the new version of the Creative Suite out if I want to use it I'll have to upgrade the machine. I'm hoping to get the 24 inch version. I thought the 20 inch one would be more than enough but then I made the mistake of going into an Apple store and seeing the 24 inch.

Regular posts
I'll be returning to more timely subjects starting tomorrow. Since I'm on vacation I get to ignore all the other things going around in the world. To that end I'm listening to the soundtrack of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

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