Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sam returns to the Vet

Another fun visit to the vet for Sam. He was on to me this time. He hid underneath my bed to try and avoid going. I was able to get him out from under the bed. I gabbed hold of his back legs and got him into his carrier. Sam was not a happy kitty at all. However, once in the car, he calmed down. That’s the usual way he reacts. Once in the carrier and car, he seems resigned to his fate.

The drive over to DuPont Circle was so much fun. I cannot believe the way people drive sometimes. But then again I really shouldn’t be surprised. It was a very tight fit time wise getting to the appointment on time. After the putzes on the road, I had to find a parking place. It was not as easy as last time. It was street cleaning so there were many spaces but only until 9:30 when they needed to be vacated. I finally found a spot. (I got a ticket because it was an area to be street cleaned. The ticket said sign clearly visible. Well it wasn’t but there’s no sense in fighting the ticket. More on that later.)

I was not in a very good mood. But we made it just about on time. I get in and say I have a 9:20 appointment and they don’t have me down for one. There were able to get me in. They even got me in to see the same doctor I’d seen two weeks ago.

Sam was weighed and his temperature taken. He was the same weight and his temperature was fine. They did a little more to him this time. They took some blood. They got urine. They gave me a de-worming pill. Actually it was a pill and a half. I get to give him the same thing in three weeks. The vet did it really well. She said you do it the same way in three weeks. Yes because it is always that simple when the animal is at home. I think she could have grabbed Sam by the tail him and swung him around the room and he wouldn’t have protested about it. Ok slight exaggeration but only slight.

He is probably all right. In fact his crap is close to normal. I’m still going to give him the medicine I gave him last time. I get to squirt it in his mouth. What fun. I should know about the test results tomorrow. There checking his thyroid function. The vet outlined some of the possibilities but she seemed to agree with me that this was food relater. Now I have to stop all those neighbor of mine from coming into the house when I’m gone and giving Sam treats.

She said he is close to 12 and that this sometimes happens to cats; there stomachs get more sensitive to changes in their diet. All the treats were different from the ones he normally got. I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on.

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