Friday, July 20, 2007

Back to the Vet

Oh I’m visiting there way too much. Sam got sick again. I won’t go into all the messy details but I will say I’m going to have to get out my carpet shampooer and use it.

Sam is back on his medicine. Two doses for 10 days and then one dose and the instructions don’t say how long that is for. Here’s the problem well one of them at least. The bottle is too big. I’m having problems filling up the syringe with the 1.5 ml of medicine and that was from the very first does that I gave him. I was thinking of pouring it out into a cup but you’re supposed to shack it up each time you use it. I suppose I could still use the cup and just stir it up before giving it to him. The real fun part is giving Sam the medicine. Sometime he get most of it but other times most of it goes flying around the room.

I’m also supposed to put him on a very bland diet. I have special food which cost $50 for a ten pound bag. I supposed to gradually introduce it to him so his tummy won’t get upset. I plan on doing that but if possible will move him back to his regular food just a gradually. Having said that I was given a wet version of this prescription food and some medicine to sprinkle over it.

Now, if the idea is not to have a sudden change in diet, isn’t switching from dry to wet food a major change in diet.

Sam is also not supposed to have any treats. And then the real kicker is he is not supposed to go outside for a month. Needless to say Sam is one pissed off pussy cat about this one. I’m going to try and play with him every night to take his mind off. Also if the weather is nice leave a window open so he can look out.

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