Sunday, July 08, 2007

I'm just wild about Harry . . .

Yes I am just wild about Harry Potter. The next movie opens on Wednesday and the final book comes out in a little less than two weeks.

For some reason I never got around to reading the sixth book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Usually as soon as a book would come out I would start reading it. I'm not sure what happened this time. I though well since the final book is coming out I really should read Half-Blood Prince. But then it occurred to that the thing to do was start at the very beginning and read all of the books.

So since the start of July that is what I've been doing. I'm just to start the Goblet of Fire, which I think is my favorite of the books so far.

The speculation has begun about who will live and who will die. Most of it centers around Harry of course. Here's a story from Friday's USA Today. There was also an good story in Entertainment Weekly by Steven King. It is interesting to think that I've lived through the publishing of a classic piece of literature. I can say in the future oh yes I remember when the books came out and the incredible stir that they caused.

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