Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Simpsons

Yes I have done it again I have gone and seen a "bargain" matinee of the Simpsons. It is very very funny. Here's a look at one of the previews:

And with such great songs like Spider pig:
Spider-pig, spider-pig,
does whatever a spider-pig does.
Can he swing, from a web?
No he can't, he's a pig.

The movie is funny from start to finish. There is one point toward the end where the movie is a little slow but then it shifts into high gear again. Also make sure to stay through all of the credits it is well worth it. And many people did just that when I saw it.

I especially like when Flanders says to Bart and here you can see the four states that border Springfield: Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky. It is well worth seeing. I laughed so I hard I was crying at the end of the movie.

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