Monday, August 06, 2007

An iMac away

Supposedly tomorrow Apple is going to announce new iMacs. I've had my current machine for over 4 years and it is time for a new machine. All sorts of rumors about what or what might not be on the machines.

I thought I could get by with a 20 inch monitor but then I went into the local Apple store and saw the 24 inch. Oh my oh my. So I guess I'm going to have to buy the 24 inch one. I have to make sure it will actually fit on my desk.

I will also have to upgrade my software. I want to get a full version of CS3. I can get a price break because I have InDesign CS2. It's not a huge break but some money is better than nothing.

So tomorrow at 10 am PST the announcement. I'm really excited!

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