Sunday, August 26, 2007

Vick again

I have to bring this up about Michael Vick. Here's part of what he admitted to in the dog fighting ring.

"All of those dogs were killed by various methods, including hanging and drowning," the documents said. While he did not explicitly admit having killed any of the dogs himself, he did say, "These dogs all died as a result of the collective efforts" of him and his partners.

Collective efforts. Talk about splitting hairs. I guess this is so he can say he wasn't convicted of directly killing the dogs.

Then this from his lawyer:
"Our position has been that we are going to try to help Judge Hudson understand all the facts and Michael's role," Martin said in telephone interview. "Michael's role was different than others associated with this incident."

Yes like he is the ring leader and the guy with the money. That without his money none of this could ever have happened. But I guess that's not exactly what Vick's lawyers will try and impress on the judge.

And the image rehabilitation will begin on Tuesday:

Vick's defense attorney, Billy Martin, said Vick will "explain his actions" publicly, but did not say when. The "Tom Joyner Morning Show," a syndicated program based in Dallas, said it will have a live interview with Vick on Tuesday, and he will take questions from callers.

It will be interesting to see if Vick continues to split hairs or really apologies for his actions. I'm not holding my breath on that one.

Quick addition:

I found this quote from a Post story:
Earlier yesterday, experts said Vick appeared to be splitting legal hairs in his plea agreement to help rehabilitate his public image. "These distinctions have no legal or moral significance whatsoever," said Steven D. Benjamin, a Richmond lawyer and past president of the Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. "Saying that you supplied the money for a gambling enterprise but protesting that you did not yourself gamble is like admitting that you established a brothel but did not personally have sex with anyone."

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