Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Parade of Peanuts Ties and other holiday traditions

I’ve started my annual tradition at work of wearing a Peanuts tie to work each day until I leave for Christmas. I started this three or four years ago. I count 14 work days before I head out to Missouri. I have more than enough ties to cover that time frame. I even have three ties that are holiday themed.

I’m also listening only to Christmas music on my iPod. That’s another tradition I have. I only listen to Christmas music from the day after Thanksgiving until a little after the first of the year. Lat year I bought a whole bunch of new Christmas CDs. I think at least six. I try to buy at least one new CD each year. It doesn’t have to be a CD that’s just been released but just something new to add to my collection. So far this year I really haven’t seen anything interesting. I think I’ll stop at a Borders when I’m off on Friday.

I have to plan my outside light display. I also have to start putting it up. On Sunday I bough a wreath for outside. I put it on the front porch. I keep forgetting to put it up. I’m hoping no one has swiped it. I put my lights up in stages. I’ll do the left side of the porch first because I can usually do that after I get home from work. I might try and start that on Friday. It seems a little early to be putting up lights since it is still November. But sooner than you know it; it will be time for the holidays.

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