Friday, January 25, 2008

Across the Pond

Here's a great idea. Take a vacation overseas when the dollar is in free fall. But that is exactly what I've decided to do. I thought about going back to California but I did that just two years ago. So I decided to look at little further a field.

I'm doing this in part because last year I didn't go away for my vacation. Family came out here and that was just great. With both visits, we had a complete and total blast. Things could not have worked out any better.

But at the end of the year I realized I hadn't been out of the city for any extended period of time. Of course topping New Zealand from the previous year would have been impossible. But a little time away would have been good.

I thought first of the Caribbean but after looking into that decided I really didn't want to go there. So then I turned to Europe. I decided on England. I haven't been there in over 20 years so just about everything will be new. And it will be very expensive. The new computer may have to wait until next and the trip to New Zealand in 2009 might be later in the year instead of in the spring.

I've very excited about going to England. I will be going the end of March through the first week in April. And the wonderful economic stimulus check will help pay for part of the trip. More information as I get more of an idea of exactly what I'll be doing.

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