Thursday, February 14, 2008

Odds and Ends

And now for something completely different. Here's a story about how the lyrics in one of the songs in Spamalot have been changed. Here's the relevant paragraph from the story:

"Because we don't laugh at sad people. Mike Nichols (the show's director) requested it and he's right. We changed the lyrics in London, on tour, on Broadway and in Las Vegas. We think that it's now too sad. Britney Spears is being tortured to death and we don't want to be on that side."

I don't think the new lyrics will work as well but I guess the only way to find out is to see the show again.


I finally joined Netflix and I really like it. I think I'll be watching many films that I wanted to see in the theater but never got around to. One I particularly like is a film called Once. This is the review I posted:

What an incredible film. I guess this is what Hollywood would call a small film. But there is nothing small about it at all. It tells the story of two strangers whose lives cross for a very brief time. And how meeting changes their lives. The ending is bitter-sweet but somehow you know that each person has come out the better for knowing the other. The songs are an integral part of the story and in many ways serves as a back ground story on each of the major characters. The songs are also fantastic. This is one very enjoyable movie!

Some of the stuff I will be getting will be well for lack of a better phrase junk but you can justify it by saying your paying $9 a month to rent films as opposed to about that much just to see one film.

The bruise on my butt from the fall I took yesterday is developing nicely. It is just so many nice colors. Thankfully it doesn't hurt all that much. I have to count myself lucky. I only fell on my ass one of friends fell and broke his wrist. I don't have all the details yet because he called me late last night and I'd been asleep but it doesn't sound like it was fun.

Sam is certainly enjoying the fact that I'm home. As I said I opened the front blinds and he was able to sit in the sun for most of the morning. Now he wants to g outside but that's not going to happen. Yesterday afternoon I was upstairs napping and Sam let out a great yowl. I figured he wanted to go outside. I was in no shape or mood to comply. However, when I came downstairs, I found that his food dish was empty. He was just asking for it to be filled up.

I haven't done much more planning on the trip mostly because I haven't felt well. This weekend I plan on spending an evening going through my guides and writing down all the places I'd like to go. Then see where they all are and start grouping them together in some sort of an itinerary. More on how this develops.

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