Sunday, February 03, 2008

Working out

I used my free personal training session to do a fitness assessment. And I need some work that is for sure. But I'm not as bad as I thought I would be. I really need to increase my aerobic activity. I need to be on my stationary bike or in spinning class four or more time a week. I'm working on that. I took my first spinning class today. I think I did pretty good. I wasn't up for all the jumps and the time out of the saddle but all in all I did pretty well. I got to the end of the class and did not feel dead. Yesterday, I bought a heart monitor so I can tell when I'm in my target heart rate to improve my aerobic workouts.

I had my first real personal training session on Thursday. I'm still a little sore from it. I like my trainer. He's very thorough when he's demonstrating the exercise and he also answered all my questions. We did upper body on Thursday. We used a cable machine and well I'm not exactly sure what you call it but I'll try and describe it. It is a strap that is attached to the ceiling. It comes down several feet and then divides in two so there are two straps. One for each hand. You then do various exercises and your weight is used to strengthen your muscles. Also the angle on which you do the exercise increases the resistance. The greater the angle the more weight you're "lifting."

The schedule is to work with the trainer on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'd work out on my own on Saturdays. Also in the mix would be a couple of spinning classes. I'm thinking Wednesdays and Sundays. Then at home would be at least two more days of riding the stationary bike.

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