Sunday, March 02, 2008

Odds and Ends

Bad Customer Service

Well bad customer service might be a little stronger. Maybe tepid customer service is a better way to describe it. I went to Best Buy on Friday. I was looking for a voltage converter to take with me when I go to London. I'm thinking of taking my camcorder and I'd really like to take my iPod with me too. If I do, I'll need to charge them thus the need for the voltage converter.

I wandered around the store for a little while to see if I could find one and also just to see what was new. I also looked at a speaker system for my iPod. I still haven't found anything I really like. Anyway I finally decided to ask someone if they carried them. He looked it up on the computer and then said to me they'll either be where I was working or in automotive (why would they be in the automotive section). That was the end of the help. He was not going to go with me and help me find them. I looked at my watch. I had a couple of other things to do before I met a friend for lunch. I decided wandering around Best Buy was not one of them. I know they have them so I'll get it later. Or better yet go to a luggage or travel store which will probably have a much better selection.

Movie Night

Last night I had an old fashioned movie night. The type of experience you'd have if you went to the movies in the 40's. I watched about ten minutes of Headline News. Then I put on a Warner Brothers cartoon actually I watched three of Tweety and Sylvester. Very funny. Then I watched a movie I'd gotten from Netflix. It was Dragon Wars. One of the reason that I signed up for Netflix was so that I could get such questionable movies as Dragon Wars. After all all you are paying for Netflix is $9 a month as opposed to $7 for just one movie.

Now was Dragon Wars bad. Oh yes it was very very bad. I feel like the Dan Akroyd character on Saturday Night Live: Leonard Pinth-Garnell. And this is a bad Saturday night movie. And it was very very bad. The director ripped off scenes from several recent sci-fi movies: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings. There was almost nothing original in this movie at all. It was done by a Korean director so it had the feel of the original Godzilla with Raymond Burr. It had that spliced together feeling. How bad was the film even Jason Behr's hair was bad. Enough said.

But the Saturday night movie concept was a fun one.

Wrong side of the bed

This is what today has felt like. It started out late Saturday night. After the movie, I played on the computer for awhile and then watched a little TV. I did something I don't usually do and that is I feel asleep on the couch. I woke up around 2 or so. One of the last things I'd needed to do before going to bed was put sheets on the bed. I changed the sheets but hadn't gotten around to putting on the new ones. Well at 2 in the morning I was not going to do that. So I got the comforter and just went to bed.

I didn't have all that good of a night's sleep. I got up and went off to the gym. While there my Bose earbud headphones started acting up. There seems to be a short in the cord. So the sound goes in and out. Actually it is more like a channel goes out.

After the gym I go grocery shopping. Several things I want to get they don't have. And the bananas were as green as could be.

I head back home. Once there I notice that the furnace is not coming on. I can hear the click but it doesn't turn on. I'm not sure what is exactly wrong it could be that it is out of oil. I doubt this but it is possible.

I called the oil company and will be getting a delivery by Tuesday. The price is like $4 a gallon. I asked for the minimum amount but it will still be around $600. I hope once that is done the furnace will be fine. If not it means I have to get them out here to take a look at it.

The only good thing is it is going to be unusually warm for the next few days.

Next, I'm cleaning and rearranging things in the kitchen. My baking pans are in a cabinet above the stove. While trying to move some of them they all fell on to the floor. I decided at that point to call it a day.

I was going to go 0n-line and order my theater tickets for London but thought better of it. I'm sure something would have gone wrong. I'm now officially calling the day over.

I'm going to make dinner and maybe do another post or two, watch a little TV or maybe read a book but nothing else. I figure you can't have much go wrong with any of those but then again . . .


  1. When I went to Best Buy in Chicago, the service was okay (one guy was really helpful when I needed a cheap American cellphone), but I've heard that they often give people the wrong advice about power converters.

    Speaking of which, my iPod charger (by Elano) is universal voltage and comes with a whole bunch of plugs for it. I've used it in the US and here, and it came with British and Continental European plugs, too.

    And speaking of iPods, if by speakers you mean for home, we got the Bose SoundDock, which has pretty amazing sound. There's a new version now, so you may be able to find an older one for pretty cheap.

  2. I'll have to look into the iPod charger. The speakers I'm looking for I'd use at work. I had a great little system but one of the speakers has gone out so I'm looking to replace it. So far I haven't found anything I really like. To be honest most of the ones I've seen are just plain ugly.

    This is an Apple products and Apple products do not have accessories that are ugly. It's just not done!!!

  3. Well, the Apple Store should have speakers that are stylish and functional...
