Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Preparations for London

I'm starting to gather things up for London.

I bought some new underwear so I'll make a clean impression when I go over. It will also allow me to start packing which I plan to do this weekend.

I also got a new suitcase. I decided that my old soft side Samsonite was not appropriate. It doesn't have any wheels. The one suitcase that does have wheels is too small. I figure, if I'm going to be doing some walking around in an urban setting, my suitcase should have wheels. All the recent trips I've made like to New Zealand or out to California I had a car waiting so I could just toss the suitcase into the trunk. Because of that wheels didn't matter. Since I'm going to be taking the Underground to and from the airport and where I'm staying, I thought wheels would be a good idea.

The next thing I want to get is a good map of London. I've been to a couple of Borders but haven't found anything I really like. I'm hoping today at lunch time to go to a map store near work. It is where I got my map of New Zealand.

I called my credit card company to make sure that the charges I made for tickets in London were not questioned. Last year when I went to Philly to see the Tut exhibit I ran into problems. I was blocked form making purchases. So I decided I'd let them know what I was doing. It would have been very unfortunate to arrive at the theater and not have a ticket. It turned out everything was fine that charges were waiting to be processed.

So in just a day over two weeks I will be on my way. I know it will be a blast.

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