Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saturday Night

I made it back to the British Museum. I left the camera because I didn't want to lug it around to dinner and the show. Of course I saw all sorts of things that I'd have taken pictures of which only means I have to go back again.

Dinner was nice chicken and "bacon" with pasta. The bacon was actually ham. It was great. Then I went around the corner and saw Lord of the Rings. Several understudies were playing some parts. I'm not sure the original players would have added anything. There were some parts that were just fantastic. Amazing theater and other parts I just went what were they thinking.

Anyway this is a quick post. I have to get breakfast and then head out to the Dr. Who exhibit and then it depends on the weather what I do next.

More later.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a great time!

    I'm guessing the bacon may have been the way you find it in Britain and other Commonwealth countries. What Americans call "bacon" is seldom found in restaurant food (I've never seen it in New Zealand or Australia, for example), though something similar may be available in supermarkets. In any case, bacon in in many of these countries is seldom crisp like in America, or as thin, and is usually leaner.
