Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Another Day in London Town

A few more words about Hampton Court. The guided tours were great. There were three in all. One was a general tour of the castle. One was a Tudor Tour. One was of King Williams' apartments. Each was done by someone in costume of the the period. They were also actual people from the time period.

In the final tour half way through your guides are switched. We got into the King's apartments because he was not in residence. Our guide was a commoner and under normal circumstances would not have dared show us this rooms but he could because the king was out. He told us that even when the king was away you still bowed to the throne. At one point my back was to the throne and our guide comments one does not put ones ass toward the throne. I assume sir you must be from the colonies.

As I said Waterloo station was just full of people. I had to use the bathroom so it cost 20p to pee at Waterloo.

The weather again held for the day a few drops but no real rain. When I got back into London I went up in the London Eye. It gives you some really great views of the city. And it never stops except if someone is handicapped needs to be helped off. It means that you board your capsule while it is moving.

I came back did a quick change and headed out again. I ate at a very good Italian place. It was right next door to Phantom. It was great to see it again in the theater I saw to so many years a go. And it is rather small. The stage is not anywhere near as large as the one at the Kennedy Center. It isn't as wide or as deep. But then again this theater is rather old in comparison. So some of the staging was different. It was very good.

I'm off to Tate Britain in a little while followed by Westminster and Parliament.

I'm getting good use out of my Oyster card most days my final trip on the Tube are free.

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