Sunday, April 13, 2008

The View from St. Paul's

The Golden Gallery of St. Paul's is 530 steps from the ground or 85 meters or 279 feet. That's a long way up no matter how you figure it. The views were spectacular in part because the day was so spectacular.

When you get to the Golden Gallery, there is what seems like a very slight railing around you. It took a few minutes to get used to and then I was able to look down. I kept a hard grip on all of my stuff, my camera bag and my jacket. I was not going to have anything flying off. I'd hope to have someone take a picture of me at the top but by the time I got around to it I was the only one left at the top.

I talked to one of the staff. He was seated at the last group of steps before you reached the Golden Gallery. I asked how many times a week he had to do this. He said only two. He'd come up here and be here for a couple of hours. He would then walk down to the Whispering Gallery for about another hour or so. He would then get a couple hours for lunch and end the day back at the Whispering Gallery that's only 259 steps from the main Cathedral floor.

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