Monday, May 26, 2008

Great Memorial Day Weekend

It can't get much better.

First off there were three days in a row with bright sunny weather. Two of the days were on the weekend no less. That's been a rarity lately. The best we get is one good day and it rains the next or both days are cold and rainy. The days got progressively warmer. I'd say today was a little hot.

Another great thing about it was I got two invitations to cook outs. I usually don't even get one but to have two was wonderful. They also were on different days.

The first invite was from Louise a woman I volunteer with at Food and Friends. This was to celebrate her birthday. It was out in Annapolis. It was not at her house but a friends of her's. Then weren't even there. It was a really great place. It was right on the water. I had a little problem getting there. The directions I had were good but the road signs were a little confusing. But I made it and had a really great time. I'm glad I brought a jacket along with me. It got a little cool once the sun went down.

The second cook out was at my friend's Mark's. I arrived a little early to help set up. I mostly opened up the condiments and took off the seals so people could use them. Once people got there I cooked the burgers and hot dogs. Mark has a gas grill but there were a lot of flames. I think the first set of burgers were rather greasy. There was a great selection of food. All sorts of salads and chips and dips. Also a great variety of desserts.

I'd like to say I didn't eat too much but that's not the case. But every once in a while you have to let yourself indulge. I just have to make up for it this week.

Today I got up early and went out on the bike. I fixed my odometer. The wire going into it was in just enough to look like it was connected but not enough to relay any information. The wire came completely out when I added air to the tires. I just reconnected the wire and it was back in working order. I went for a 31 mile ride.

I came back took a little nap. Then I did stuff around the house. I put in some plants. Did some cleaning, vacuumed and shampooed the living room carpet. I made some ice cream for a co-workers birthday that is this week. The vanilla came out ok but I tried to make another batch and the freezer bowl wasn't cold enough to make it work. I'll have to try again tomorrow night. I'm going to experiment with making chocolate. I'm going to use chocolate sauce instead of following the recipe in the book. I'm sure it will turn out great.

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