Sunday, June 01, 2008

Early Morning Ride

I was up early today and on the bike shortly after that. I was out the door at 6:03 am. It was a little over cast. The temperature wasn't too bad but it was still very humid from the storms we had the afternoon before (it poured poured poured for like an hour or so).

Needless to say there were not many people out on the path. For that matter there were not many people out on the streets. The goal for this ride was to go 40 miles. I wasn't entirely sure I could do it. I take the Mt. Vernon Trail and it would mean riding almost to Mt. Vernon and back. A couple of miles from Mt. Vernon there was a bridge on the trail being repaired. You could walk your bike around it but I decided not to try that. I got on the road and was on that for a little while but decided I was running out of gas and needed to turn around.

I decided on the way back to ride up to Hudson Trail Outfitters where I bought the bike. I wanted them to take a look at a couple of things on the bike. I also wanted to ask about getting a tune-up. Hudson Trail is located on Wisconsin Avenue. I rode up Wisconsin from M Street. I'd forgotten how many hills were on it. I made it up but of course the store was closed. They don't open until 11 am on Sundays. I should up a around 9:30. I'd hope they'd open at 10. I decided not to stay around and wait until they opened.

I stopped off at another bike store that's near DuPont Circle. I got some oil for the chain. It made a difference but the main thing I need to do is get a tune up.

It was an interesting drive in one aspect. I had more courteous drives then people on bikes. I had several people yield to me while making left turns. A couple people waved me on when we both stopped at stop signs. I even had a taxi driver stop and let me pass a drive way he wanted to turn in to. Pretty surprising. People on bikes well several were just jerks. Passing me without letting me know they were there. A couple of guys passing me when traffic coming in the other direction. The guys passing barely made it back in time. Then there was the group that cut me off not once but twice.

In the end I covered 44 miles. A good early morning ride.

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