Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The McSame Campaign

If ever there was a reminder of exactly how much the same John McCain’s campaign is and the presidency of George Bush is, this comment from a McCain adviser from Fortune magazine shows it loud and clear:

The assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December was an “unfortunate event,” says Black. “But his knowledge and ability to talk about it reemphasized that this is the guy who’s ready to be Commander-in-Chief. And it helped us.” As would, Black concedes with startling candor after we raise the issue, another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. “Certainly it would be a big advantage to him,” says Black.

Once again using the threat of terror not to unit the American people but to divide them. The same thing we’ve been getting from the Bush administration since September 12, 2001.

You can read all about the comments and the immediate back peddling by the McCain campaign here from the Post and here from USA Today.

What to say about such slime that is a top adviser to a presidential candidate.

The assassination of an important world leader is “an unfortunate” event. Sort of like if a highly placed aid to a presidential campaign was shot in an attempted robbery.

This guy should be fired immediately, but of course that won’t happen. This is not the first and by no means the last time the terror card will be played by the Republicans to hang on to power. They are a complete and total disgrace.

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