Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another Incredible Day

Another incredible morning in Washington. The high temperature today is supposed to be in the low 80s. Just fantastic weather for August well actually for anytime. Here are a few pictures I took this morning.

These snap dragons have begun to pop up all over the place. I'm not sure exactly how because I certainly did not plant any of them. I first noticed them growing under the back steps. They've also popped up in my flower baskets on the front porch and I noticed this guy yesterday.

In these two pictures Sam is on the hunt for some birds. He is ready to strike at his prey. He is ready to pounce and catch the helpless little bird. His body quivers all over. He is going to strike. The only small problem is there is a fence between him and the bird. So much for the great hunter. After awhile Same just rolls around in the dirt. Oh the life of a cat!

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