Thursday, August 21, 2008

Election Unsettlement

I had the strangest dream last night. John McCain won the election.

So I guess you could say it was a nightmare more than a dream.

And the thing was somehow I was the reason McCain got elected. I cast the deciding vote. I used a voting machine but it didn't record my vote correctly. I kept saying over and over again that I voted for Obama not McCain.

I said this to anyone who would listen that I voted for Obama but the response I got was the machine can't be wrong. Of course in real life that wouldn't happen with an electronic voting machine. Or could it? (This from the Post.)

But in a more serious vein, I have to say I'm a little worried that McCain could indeed win. It seems his campaign feels they can't win on the issues so they'll smear Obama. Same old Rove tactics. I just hope this time around the public is a little smarter. Also that the media does its job and exposes these tactics for what they truly are.

In other news, it seems Obama has made his choice for his VP candidate but won't announce it until Saturday. As for McCain it seems Joe Liberman is a potential for his VP spot. All I can say isn't it time the Democrats run this hypocrite out of town. Maybe when they trounce the Republican in the Senate races in the fall Liberman can be dropped.

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