Monday, August 18, 2008

VP Talk Goes into High Gear

A week from today the Democratic Convention will open in Denver.

The speculation is now on whom Obama will pick as his VP. Part of that speculation has centered around Tim Kaine the governor of Virginia. So needless to say being this close to Virginia this story has gotten some press.

Virginia is one of the red states that the Democrats think they can turn blue. It certainly has been trending that way. The current governor is a Democrat. The previous governor was too. One of the senator's is as well. And in all likelihood come the fall the other senator will be a Democrat too. I still think getting Virginia in the blue column is a big if.

Also I Kaine doesn't have much experience at a national level. Obama needs someone that does. We've seen how McCain is going to go after Obama on this issue. So I don't see how Kaine helps to solve that problem.

The next logical question is who does.

Biden would be a good choice. He has a great deal of foreign policy experience. The draw back on him is he comes from Delaware. But I'm not so sure VP candidates can deliver states anymore. If you really think about it, the only VP candidate in recent history who did that was Johnson bringing Texas over to Kennedy. And that was close to 50 years ago.

So the speculation will continue until there is a winner. I have to assume a week from now we'll all know who it is.

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