Monday, August 04, 2008

Waiting for the Disposal People

A large part of owning a home seems to be waiting for people to come by and install something or fix something.

I'm waiting for the people to show up to install my disposal. They are supposed to be here between 10 and noon. I of course am hoping closer to 10. I also hope it won't take all that much time to install the thing. It doesn't look all that complicated. If it weren't for the electrical aspect of the thing, I might even try and install it myself but there is the electrical aspect so I'm leaving it alone.

I have noticed one thing is that when people are coming I have this overwhelming compulsion to have the house as clean as possible. Now I've cleaned up the kitchen area mostly so it will be easy for them to work. But I've also washed the floor which I assume I'll have to do again once they've left. I've also washed down the front of the cabinets. Since I had a bid bucket of water with spic and span in it I proceeded to clean other parts of the downstairs too. I'm washing around light switches and washing down walls. I've stopped because that seems to be going a little too far.

I'm going to take the rest of the day off so the sooner they get here the sooner I can head out. It is a really nice day. I've turned off the air conditioner and have the windows open. It feels more like spring then August

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