Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Looks LIke I Made It

I made it to Springfield.

I left DC around 3:30 pm on Tuesday and made it to Springfield around 10 am local time on Wednesday.

It was a very interesting drive. I'd planned my way out of DC and watched the GPS constantly update my route. I made it out of the city in good time. I took 270 to 70 and then to 68. This is a new interstate which goes through parts of West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. You end of driving to Cumberland and I think through the Cumberland Gap. Cumberland looks like a really cool place. I'm going to have go back and investigate.

The scenery there was fantastic. Lots of twists and turns on the road and up hills and down through the mountains. I also went past the eastern continental divide.

There was some fog and rain but not all that bad. The fog was usually off to the side of the road. I came down into one valley and at tree top level was this patch of fog maybe 50 feet by 50 feet. It looked so cool.

Somewhere in Ohio the clouds cleared and there was a half moon that accompanied on my journey until it set sometime around 3 or 4.

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