Monday, October 06, 2008

Cleaning, Cleaning and more Cleaning

I'm cleaning like mad because Ed and Jennifer will be out here for a visit starting Wednesday afternoon. I've shampooed the carpets downstairs and in the room they will be staying in. About all I did on Sunday was clean. The house is finally shaping up but it was a struggle.

To really get a room clean especially when shampooing the carpets you have to empty it out. All the stuff of course ends up in the next room. The room you put all the stuff in then becomes a complete mess. I started cleaning in the living room. All I have to move there is the coffee table. I guess I should say all I decided to move was the coffee table. Pretty easy to do. I just moved the table into the dinning room. No problem. Vacuum, shampoo and clean the carpet. Easy.

The dinning room is another matter. There's the table and chairs and the chair for my desk. There was a small book case. There was the plant stand. I decided to just leave that in place. All these thing end up in the living room which of course now is a complete and total mess. Everything is now back in its proper place. What I've learned is to do the dinning room first.

The final task I have to tackle is the kitchen. I'm probably not going to touch that until Tuesday night. Cleaning the kitchen I've always found to be a pain. No matter what I do I never seem to be able to get the whole thing clean. And the floor in the kitchen is a huge pain. There is for lack of a better way to describe it a light brown swirl in the pattern for the floor. Many times I'm trying really hard to get out a stain which in fact turns out to the the damn tile. Thus the reason for leaving it for last.

Upstairs I need to move bike and the litter box out of the front bedroom where they will be sleeping. Then I have to inflate the bed. Sam will help me out with that. He always enjoys when I inflate the bed and put sheets on it.

After that I will declare victory and not clean another thing.

Oh yeah I have to do the bathroom too. And put away the laundry. And take out the garbage and . . . Sigh.

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