Sunday, October 05, 2008

The election and the debates

I have to say that I could only watch about 30 minutes of the VP debate.

I must admit I find Sarah Palin's voice and mannerisms to be unbearable. And I'm starting to see her gee whiz by gumption talk to be well a little forced and a little fake. I didn't expect she would have a melt down. If she had, well the campaign would be in a much different place.

Both she and Biden did what they had to do. No big mistakes and they essentially held their own.

The more interesting news of the day, at least to me, was the fact that McCain is pulling out of Michigan. The story in USA Today. Click here for the story from the Post. From the story:

McCain will cease airing television ads in the state, and most of his staff will be redirected to other battlegrounds, including Maine, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, campaign officials said. Plans for direct mail in Michigan will be canceled and no new field offices will be opened as the campaign enters its final weeks.

This is not to say that Obama hasn't done some retreating on his own:

Obama has made his own strategic retreats, scaling back his initial ambitions for a "50-state" strategy by pulling out of states such as Georgia, North Dakota and Alaska after polls showed the Republican opening a wide lead in them.

But all of the states Obama has pulled out have a long history of voting Republican. Michigan was long considered one of those "battleground" states. Most of the sites I visit show Pennsylvania as favoring Obama's (of course there is still a long way to go).

I guess the a question to ask is why make such a big deal about it. Why not just slowing move people out. It would be noted by the press but it would have been a much smaller story that way.

A quick note. USA Today has an interesting page where you can make up your own scenario on the election. Also a break down of the results of each election back to 1960. Go here to see it.

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