Tuesday, October 21, 2008

McCain has become Bush

As hard as it is to believe McCain is actually worse than Bush.

What seems like a very long time ago, I had some respect for John McCain. No more. He's behind in the polls and will say and do anything to become president. So much for running a different campaign. So much for uniting the American people. So much for being for all the people. The only thing McCain hasn't said is he's a uniter not a divider. We had eight years of that and we can see how well that worked. A country even more divided.

The latest tactic is that some how Barak Obama is a socialist. That Obama will turn the IRS into a welfare agency. This "logic" put forth by the completely unqualified Sarah Palin.

Palin says that Obama's tax plan will give tax relief to 95% of Americas. But 40% of those people don't pay any taxes so Obama is advocating welfare. Not to be over cynical here but I have to assume invoking the word welfare is to make people think of oh I don't know the welfare cheats from the 80s and 90s who were mostly African Americans.

And helping out poor people, the group who's struggling the most in this economic downturn, is somehow completely wrong. But supporting the government buying up stakes in banks in this country, bailing out AIG, putting forth a bailout package well that's ok.

If McCain wants to talk about socialism, I suggest they take a good long hard look at what the current administration is doing. If anything is socialism, the actions of this government these past fews weeks would qualify as that.

This current line just shows how completely bankrupt McCain's campaign has become. Hopefully on election day McCain will be in for a very rude surprise.

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