Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sam's Day

With all the election activities, I forgot to mention that Sam is now 13 years old. I place his birthday around Halloween. So here are some shots of the intrepid kitty cat.

Here's one of Sam's favorite toys. He can play with this for hours of course taking time off for a quick nap before batting the toy around the living room.

Sam can also spend hours looking out the window or in this case the door.

Here he investigates Tupperware.

Yes, I am ready for my close up.

I often wonder what Sam is thinking. He hates when I spend hours on the computer. I think he feels he should be the center of attention. When I had a straight back chair, to get my attention, Sam would jump up on the back of the chair and my shoulder. Needless to say that scared the hell out of me. Now I don't have a straight back chair and he can't do that anymore.

Sometimes he will meow from the upstairs becoming very insistent if I don't come up and see what he's up to.

Something that seems to only happen in cold weather is when I have a blanket over my legs while watching TV he will sleep on my legs. He becomes very annoyed if I have to get up and he is disturbed. He will, however, wait at the end of the couch and resume his place once I've come back from doing whatever I had to do.

Sam is so strange. No wonder I like him so much.

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