Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pictures of the Inaugural, On the Way To the Mall

My day started at the Rhode Island Avenue Metro stop. There was actually a train there when I arrived. But it became obvious very quickly that it was having problem with its doors. Luckily, a train going in the opposite direction was just pulling in. I got on that one and road up to the Brookland stop.

Hopped off that train to another one going back down into DC that was sitting on the platform. The train was packed. There was even a news crew on board. I'd decided to go down to Union Station and get off there and then head down to the Mall. That turned out not to be the best idea.

This first couple of photos show what I found right outside of Union Station. It was a hint of the tremendous crowds I would find today no matter where I went.

I'll go into more details about the whole day and some of the fun stories like when we saw Marine One with Bush in it the crowd erupted into the song Hey Hey Goodbye.

Right now I'm going to unwind a little from this incredible day and then head off to bed.

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