Wednesday, February 18, 2009


That's the name of the new site for my political podcasts with Arthur. The site is exactly up and running yet but it will be shortly.

You can go here and listen to the first podcast under our new name.

The main focus of the cast is the economy. Specifically we focus on to the economic stimulus, which President Obama signed into law on Tuesday. We talk about some of the implications, and I also presents my ideas for helping ordinary homeowners which I outlined in an earlier post. That leads to a talk of banks, the financial markets and the salaries people are paid. Despite it all, we end on a positive note.

Hope you enjoy.


  1. Jason, I don't know if you have seen this or not -- found it on another blog I read. It is a panoramic view of inauguration day, and she said people might be able to see themselves there by using the arrows and pluses to pan in and out. It might appear blurry for a few seconds, but then comes into focus. Enjoy! Brenda

  2. What a very cool picture. Thank you so much for sharing that Brenda. I wasn't nearly that close so I wouldn't be finding me in the picture.

    But I have to say isn't it amazing what technology can do.
