Saturday, February 21, 2009

Peanuts Get Your Peanuts

That is unless they happen to be from the Peanut Corporation of America. If so you want to run from them as fast as possible.

This is one of those stories that you can't believe is true yet it is. This is a story about greed and the complete disregard for you fellow human being. The man at the head of this company is Stewart Parnell.

I think this sums up what type of a person Mr. Parnell is:

In another e-mail between Parnell and Lightsey, the manager reported that samples from the plant taken on Aug. 11 had tested positive for salmonella but had been sent to another laboratory and received a negative result. "Okay, let's turn them loose then," Parnell wrote.

This is from a story in the Post.

In other e-mails there was a discussion on how to use the peanuts that had fallen on the floor again. It was such a waste of money.

So far 9 people have died from the Salmonella outbreak. Thousands have become sick.

Here are a couple of questions and thoughts that come to mind.

Why isn't Stewart Parnell in jail? I understand they are still investigating. But this guy knowingly shipped product that could make people sick. Nine people have died from his actions. Isn't that murder?

Another thought if anything points to the need of government regulation ensuring the safety of our food sure does. Want a way to reduce the level of unemployment hire more food inspectors. Hire a lot more food inspectors. Here's something that should make your hair stand on end:

"The average plant is inspected once every 10 years," Jean Halloran, director of food safety for Consumers Union, said. "This one was getting inspected a couple of times a year by Georgia, but neither they nor the FDA were taking enough enforcement action."

Considering all the places our food is coming from the government needs to do a better job of protecting us and the only way to do that is with more people to inspect places.

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