Monday, March 02, 2009

Oh No Snow

Yes, the dreaded and feared S word appeared in the weather forecast. It sent panic throughout Washington city.

What to do about the S word?

Why of course head to the grocery store. Thus stores were jammed with people Sunday afternoon. Time to stock up on needed provisions to survive the storm. Toilet paper, bread, milk, eggs perhaps a case of beer and maybe some crab legs, some chips and salsa.

For who knew how much of the S word would fall on the city. Perhaps inches perhaps feet. Perhaps there would be great drifts blocking the city from the outside. Who knew how many days or weeks or even months Washington would be cut off from the outside world.

Maybe only with the spring thaw would the world know what happened in Washington. And what would the outside world find when they made contact again. Would they find that neighbor had been pitted against neighbor fighting over the ever dwindling supplies available in the city to survive the storm.

Who would be left to tell the tale? Who indeed!

Who would be left when the dawn broke?

For the dawn did break.

And snow fell and swirled around.

The wind howled and the city was filled with despair.

And then as dawn passed into morning the snow seemed to fall less. As morning progressed into afternoon, the snow stopped all together. The clouds parted and the sun shone again. The snow crews worked on the streets and lo they were cleared.

The wind came up and with the help of the sun many of the main streets were actually dry. Why even many of the side streets were cleared too. And if one looked closer even the side walks had little snow. Why even some of them were dry!

A great sigh of relief could be heard all over the city. For all knew that provisions would be getting to the stores and life would return to normal like a day after the storm. Some might have to fear refreezing which might occur over night because the temperatures were low. But all could rejoice in the knowledge the dreaded S word was gone probably until next winter.

And that’s how Washington, DC reacts to a snow storm.

Ok, I embellished a little.

But not much!

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