Thursday, May 07, 2009

Triumph in New York City

That's what my 14 hours in New York City were.

A triumph!

Everything worked perfectly.

The bus was on time leaving.

There were no problems getting there.

Walked up to the half price ticket place got a ticket to see Exit the King.

There was a Pret (like the ones in London). Got lunch from there and then sat right in the middle of Times Square and had lunch.

Then went off to see Exit the King. Absolutely amazing! Everyone in the play was fantastic and Geoffrey Rush's performance was a tour de force. Just incredible.

Tried to go up the Empire State building but the line was too long.

Instead found a wonderful Italian place called Simply Pasta at 120 West 41st Street. I had Tortellini Bolognese. I had a banana colada to drink. For dessert Profiteroles which is three cream puffs. One is filled with vanilla ice cream, another chocolate and the last one expresso topped with hot fudge.

Then off to see 9 to 5. I enjoyed it a great deal.

After that met up with my friend who I volunteer with and then headed for the bus.

More about the trip later but now I need to take a shower, brush my teeth and get something to eat. Right now I'm not sure in what order.

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