Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bob Dylan's Christmas Album

Bob Dylan puts out a Christmas album just in time for Halloween. I have no idea if this is a trick or a treat. Here's the review from the Post.

I listened to excerpts on iTunes and could not stop laughing. I will say this is not for the faint of heart. I suggest listening to it with the lights on and with several friends which is what I did. We all had a good laugh a really good laugh. Go to iTunes and see for yourself and then make sure you read some of the comments; they’re good for a laugh too!

Here are a couple of the one star reviews:

Oh my God. I want to kill myself
Just bad. So bad. So terrible. So not Xmas. What in God’s name did they think this sounded like. This would make any kid or adult scream in pain to listen to. I’m saving it for Halloween.

Big Dylan Fan, This is horrible

I am all about artists wanting to change their style, showing versatility and being more artistic. This album concept sounds more like a drunken night in the studio and it was then recorded and released. I think I have found the best white elephant gift fro the holiday season. Dylan is a musical genius and he is an icon. This album just proved that everyone makes a bad one now and then.

Just terrible.
What more can you say.

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