Monday, October 26, 2009

Drippy Dreary Saturday

Saturday was another dreary Saturday. There was actually some sun out but very early in the morning. The day clouded over and then it essential rained on and off for the rest of the day. I thought well this would be a good time to do all sorts of things around the house. Also get up a whole bunch of posts on subjects that I’d been thinking about.

The fact I’m posting on Monday about Saturday shows how well that worked out.

I did get in three loads of laundry. I changed the bed with of course the help of Sam who is always likes to help out with changing the bed. I got together some financial information for the credit card I was applying for through my credit union. More on that story later.

One other thing I did was go to a spinning class. I was sort of on auto pilot heading over to the class. I say that because I was going to the wrong Results location. The class I was taking on Saturdays got canceled. The new one is at the Mt. Vernon Square location. I was about half way to the old place before I realized what I was doing. I was able to get there on time. It turns out my old instructor was subing for the guy who normally teaches. It was a great class.

I read my book a little and played Civilization and the took a very long nap.

And that was my drippy dreary Saturday.

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